There are easier ways to support #10golds24 but the TTOC marathon walk continues to Entice!

The 37th edition of the Trinidad and Tobago International Marathon (TTIM) on Sunday 27th January started in the pre dawn hour for the walkers including the Trinidad and Tobago Olympic Committee (TTOC) and the Trinidad and Tobago Commonwealth Games Association (TTCGA) marathon walk group . The purpose of the marathon walk is to raise awareness and financial support for the TeamTTO (Team Trinidad and Tobago) #10golds24 athlete welfare and preparation fund.

The 3Ws of the Olympic Movement

Ever so of­ten it is nec­es­sary to re­mind or in­tro­duce the cit­i­zens of Trinidad and To­ba­go to fac­tu­al in­for­ma­tion about the Olympic Move­ment. The who, what and why. What is the pur­pose of the Olympic Move­ment? The move­ment is of long stand­ing. Its his­to­ry can be traced back to the year 776 BC.

Marathon day coming!

Christ­mas! Christ­mas! It's Christ­mas time in T&T. For many peo­ple, noth­ing beats a "Trin­ba­go" Christ­mas. It is the best!

Seeking out positive role models

On Sat­ur­day last, I had the dis­tinct plea­sure to at­tend the As­so­ci­a­tion of Fe­male Pro­fes­sion­als of T&T (AFETT) and Youth re­cep­tion to launch the or­gan­i­sa­tion's youth arm.